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Your Vote, Your Jewish Future.

Now more than ever, it is critical we have elected officials who represent our concerns and well-being.

Pennsylvania Unites, a voter mobilization effort from Teach PA, is ensuring that Pennsylvania's eligible Jewish voters make their voices heard in the 2024 General Election.

To fully engage the Pennsylvania community, PA Unites is operating a voter center which offers residents voter-registration support, absentee-ballot assistance, and serve as a hub for volunteer and community engagement. This work builds on prior successful ‘Get Out the Vote’ campaigns organized by Teach Coalition across multiple states and communities, including the recent ‘Westchester Unites’ effort centered around the Bowman v. Latimer election in NY-16, which saw 15,508 Jewish voters turnout in a race decided by 12,816 voters.

This November, we must take a stand to ensure our Jewish future.

Help make an impact on Jewish voting nationwide. Support our efforts today.

Campaign Contact Phone:+19732807582

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