OU-JLIC at Penn Campaign

OU-JLIC at Penn Campaign

OU-JLIC at Penn Campaign

Hello! Thank you for visiting our UPreaching campaign! We are Rabbi Joshua and Sara Klein, the OU-JLIC Directors at Penn, and we are privileged to work with the Orthodox Community at Penn (OCP). We provide religious and personal growth opportunities, personal and halachic advice, leadership development, learn diverse Jewish topics, and create significant social and chesed events with students. We also love to open our home for Shabbat and holiday meals, onegs, BBQs, schmoozing, and malava malka bonfires/kumzitz (our children's favorite!).

We are grateful to be surrounded by a warm, engaging, and thoughtful community. In addition to our regular programming, we are faced with fighting antisemitism on campus, standing up for Israel (more than ever), and supporting our students with all of their amazing advocacy. 

Our core funding for OU-JLIC comes from generous grants from the OU and Penn Hillel. To meet the program's total costs, we seek support from alumni, parents, and others who value our impact on students. Support for OU-JLIC builds on the investments our communities have made for the next generation through day school education, summer camps, and other Jewish experiences.


If you’d like to give via check or Donor Advised Fund, or if you have any questions, please contact Rabbi Joshua and Sara Klein (kleinj@ou.org or kleinsa@ou.org


Please partner with us by making a gift today! Thank you for your support!


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