JLIC Jerusalem Community

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In the days leading up to Yom Yerushalayim, join the JLIC Jerusalem Community in seizing an incredible opportunity. With a generous $25,000 matched challenge on the line, your donation holds the power to make an immediate and substantial difference. Every dollar you contribute will be matched, doubling the impact of your support.

Led by Rav Jeremy Tibbetts and Emily Zimmer Tibbetts, the JLIC JLEM community is a vibrant hub for young Jewish adults who have chosen to make Jerusalem their home. The community's members represent a diverse range of life stages and experiences, spanning from IDF service to national service, university students, and young professionals.  

Your support directly empowers these individuals, providing mentorship and programs that enrich their Jewish journey in Jerusalem. Together, we can ensure that JLIC Jerusalem continues to thrive and grow, inspiring the next generation of Jewish leaders.

Don't miss this chance to maximize your impact and help us reach our $25,000 goal!

Donate now to double your contribution and strengthen our community's impact. Thank you for your generosity and support.

This Yom Yerushalayim, lay a brick in the foundation of a stronger and more connected Jerusalem!

Rav Jeremy Tibbetts & Emily Zimmer Tibbetts

*Please note that at this point we are only able to receive donations in USD and to issue US tax receipts on this page.

For CAD donations, to give by donor-advised fund or check, or for any other questions, please reach out to Emily Zimmer Tibbetts at jlicjerusalem@gmail.com. We are working on expanding our donation options for the future.

For any questions involving donations, you can be in touch with Emily and Rav Jeremy at jlicjerusalem@gmail.com


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